Economic Development

Milan has many unique economic development opportunities.  The following shows a few of those opportunities.  Call the City of Milan with any questions or for more information!

Call the City of Milan for information on the following opportunities:   

  • Milan Revolving Loan Fund
  • Milan Community Fund
  • Karen Jenson Fund
  • JPAC - a unique opportunity for loans.
  • Tax abatement  - Tax abatement has been used on previous projects.  C
  • Milan EDA
  • JOBZ - Milan has a JOBZ Project which has also utilized JPAC.  Check out JOBZ information at  Milan's JOBZ profile is at the site.

Milan has relationships with the following organizations to help with Economic Development:

Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Commission

Western Minnesota Revolving Loan Fund

Prairieland Economic Development Cooperation

Southwest Minnesota Initiative Foundation

Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership

And local elected officials and other various local organizations designed to assist economic development.