City Services

The City of Milan is committed to bringing the highest quality services to the residents of Milan.  Please call 320-734-4411 for more information on any of the following services.

 City Sewer

The sewer system was constructed in 1963.  The entire City is sewered, even the homes that are on the far northwest part of the City along MN Highway 7. 

The lift station was rebuilt about 16 years ago and is in generally in good condition. 

The lift station pumps all of the wastewater from Milan to a 7.3 acre primary pond located east of the City.  After solids are allowed to settle out in the primary pond, the water is transferred to the 3.9 acre secondary pond where final treatment occurs.  Water is discharged from this pond to the wetland area once or twice per year depending on the weather conditions.  This pond system was over-designed for this community and would be able to handle a population, without any wet industry, of about 550 to 600 people. Rip rapping was completed in 2008.

Overall, these ponds are in good condition.  The main structure transfer valves were replaced about 10 years ago along with the secondary discharge valve and outfall line.  There is a possibility that the main pond may require some dredging around the influent pipe but this should not be needed in the immediate future.

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Milan Water Tower

 City Water

Water for the City is supplied by two wells located on the schoolhouse property which is on the west edge of Milan. Both of the wells have a pumping capacity of around 100 gallons per minute and are about 58 feet deep. The water contains a fairly high concentration of iron and has a moderate manganese level. The City adds fluoride, poly-phosphate and chlorine to the water at the school well house.

Milan has completed the City’s wellhead protection plan.  A new well was completed and in use by January 1, 2009.

The entire City has water service. The majority of the main lines are constructed of cast iron pipe.There are a few areas that have plastic mains because of new service extensions or upgrades in 1997. Most of the water Most of the service lines are primarily copper, but there are some plastic lines and a few iron lines. Most of these services are three-fourths inch.

The 45,000 gallon water tower was built in 1924 and will probably be in need of replacement within the next 10-20 years.


 City Garbage


Every person owning, managing, operating, leasing or renting any premises or any place where garbage or rubbish accumulates shall subscribe to sanitation collection service.

The city of Milan has a contract with Tostenson's Inc. for garbage collection. Three sizes of cans are available. Call the City Office for prices and to get your can delivered. 320-734-4411